Go Green Aquaponics Blog

Fish food is the main input in an aquaponics system; therefore, it is essential to feed fish the right nutrition not only for the health of the fish but also because fish food becomes fish waste, which is the primary source of nutrients that feed the plants.

Dive into the world of aquaponics with our guide on choosing the perfect house plants. Discover their benefits, care tips, and troubleshoot like a pro for a thriving, symbiotic ecosystem at home.

Discover the secrets of successful catfish farming in aquaponics. Learn how to raise healthy catfish, optimize your system, and troubleshoot common issues for a thriving aquaponics venture.

Optimize your aquaponics system with the right tools for water quality, fish health, and plant vitality. Learn about key parameters to monitor, types of monitoring tools available, and factors to consider when choosing monitoring tools.

This guide will provide an overview of yellow perch and what you need to know to raise them in your aquaponics system. From understanding the perch’s behavior to setting up and maintaining your system, we will cover all the essential information to help you grow yellow perch in an aquaponics system. 

Fish function as a nutrient provider for the plants. Therefore, selecting the right fish species to raise in your desktop aquaponics setup is essential because fish have specific living conditions.
