
Go Green Aquaponics Blog

One type of aquaponics system that is popular with DIYers and aquaponics beginners is the barrel aquaponics system or barrelphonics. A barrel system will allow you to delve into aquaponics with little space available and without spending too much money.

Discover the wonders of organic aquaponics gardening! Learn how to cultivate a thriving ecosystem, from balancing fish and plant ratios to enjoying delicious homegrown produce. Dive into sustainable practices and share the abundance with friends and family. Start your journey towards sustainable living today

In flood and drain or media-based aquaponics systems, it is essential that correct and continuous water flow is maintained for the fish and plants get enough amounts of nutrients, and the bell siphon is the device that is responsible for regulating the flow of the water in the entire system.

Explore sustainable aquaponics by using alternative fish food. Discover the cost-effective and environmentally friendly options for enhancing fish health and reducing reliance on commercial fish food.

 If you plan to install your own or purchase a complete aquaponics system, you probably know what aquaponics are and what benefits you will get. However, there are some very essential things that you need to consider first, for you to be successful. So we made these lists of the essential things that you need to consider in setting up your own aquaponics system.
