Go Green Aquaponics Blog

Discover the importance of water quality in aquaponics systems. Learn how to monitor key parameters, manage water conditions, and ensure a thriving ecosystem for healthy fish and productive plants.


Discover actionable tips for effective water management in aquaponics systems. Learn about pH balance, dissolved oxygen, nutrient cycles, and water conservation methods to keep your fish and plants thriving.

Learn 10 essential tips to keep your aquaponics system running strong, from choosing the right fish and maintaining water quality to optimizing circulation and preventing pests. Stay informed and adaptable for long-term success.

Learn about the role of ammonia in aquaponics systems, how to manage ammonia levels effectively, and discover the best ammonia test kits for maintaining a healthy and productive environment for your fish and plants.

Water temperature affects not only the health of the fish, plants, and bacteria in an aquaponics system. It is also essential for the breakdown and uptake of nutrients and wastes. So in order to maintain a healthy aquaponics system, the water temperature must be kept in the range that is safe for the fish, plants, and bacteria growing in your aquaponics system. 

Dive into the world of aquaponics with our guide on choosing the perfect house plants. Discover their benefits, care tips, and troubleshoot like a pro for a thriving, symbiotic ecosystem at home.

Calcium deficiency can cause severe problems in your aquaponics plants. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of calcium deficiency, and how to address the issue through various methods, such as adjusting pH levels and adding calcium supplements. Discover how to maintain healthy calcium levels in your system and keep your plants thriving.
