Go Green Aquaponics Blog

Aquaponics is an excellent way to teach kids about the environment and sustainability. It also has many benefits for their health. This article will discuss what aquaponics is, why it is a good learning tool for kids and some of the best aquaponics systems for children. We will also provide tips on how to get your kids excited about aquaponics.

Getting started with aquaponics can be overwhelming, with so many books, blogs, videos, and approaches to building your system. It’s important to develop your own understanding of what aquaponics is and understand its basic principles so you’ll know how to start and maintain your aquaponics system. 

Strawberries are one of the most popular berry species in the world. It's no surprise that many people are interested in growing them. But the question that comes to people's minds is, can you grow strawberries in aquaponics?


If you're planning on starting your own aquaponics system and wondering if you can use koi, you've come to the right place. This article will share all the essential information you need to know about raising Koi in an aquaponics system.
Light / Sun Humans see light, but we don’t need light to survive. Plants, on the other hand, need light to live. People who aren’t gardeners sometimes presume that if there is enough light to see, there is enough light for plants to thrive. Make sure to understand the amount light that your plants needs to thrive.

One of the best things about aquaponics systems is that they require less maintenance than other growing methods because there is no weeding, fertilizing, and watering involved. But now that your system is up and running, you realize your setup needs regular checks up and maintenance to continue running smoothly and effectively and harvest the expected benefits.

Fish diets can be manipulated to provide sufficient nutrients, and feeding schedules are designed to provide nutrients at the right level and time to complement fish, plants, and bacteria.This article looks at aquaponics fish feed and fish feeding and the best practices to serve as your guide to optimize fish and plant growth in your aquaponics system.

This article is for you if you want to know how to grow tomatoes in an aquaponics system. This article discusses all the essential things you need to know to grow tomatoes in your aquaponics garden successfully. 

Today, many people have turned to aquaponics farming to grow food because of its sustainability and organic way of producing food. Aquaponics has grown and developed by aquaponics growers for commercial purposes and backyard gardening to sustain the high demand for organic food by the growing population in urban areas. This introduction to aquaponics covers everything about aquaponics to serve as your guide in learning. 
