
How to DIY Your Aquaponics System

Depending on your design, an aquaponics system can be expensive to buy or build. But, if you are a do-it-yourself person, there are plenty of options available for creating your own aquaponics system at a lesser price. DIYing your aquaponics systems is a bit more involved than a ready-to-use system, but anyone with creative ingenuity and determination can make it happen. 

So, if you’re inspired to try building your own aquaponics system, this article will explore the steps involved in planning, building, and maintaining your aquaponics system. We will also share tips on troubleshooting common issues, scale up your setup, and enjoy the bountiful rewards of your efforts.

Aquaponics System

Why DIY your Aquaponics System?

While commercial aquaponics systems are available, embarking on a do-it-yourself (DIY) aquaponics project is fulfilling and cost-effective. DIY aquaponics offers several advantages:

  1. Designing and building your own system allows you to tailor it to your specific needs, available space, and budget.
  2. DIY aquaponics is an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, as you gain hands-on experience setting up and maintaining the system.
  3. DIY aquaponics can be more budget-friendly than purchasing pre-made systems.
  4. Building your own aquaponics system fosters a deeper connection to the process and satisfaction as you watch your plants and fish thrive under your care.
  5. Sustainability: DIY aquaponics aligns perfectly with sustainability principles, as you can make environmentally conscious choices when sourcing materials and selecting fish and plant species.

Planning Your Aquaponics System

1. Location and Space 

The success of your aquaponics system begins with choosing the right location and space for your setup. Consider the following factors:

  • Sunlight: Find a spot that receives adequate sunlight for your plants. While some crops can thrive in partial shade, most will benefit from at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Accessibility: Ensure your system is easily accessible for maintenance tasks like feeding fish, checking water parameters, and harvesting crops. 
  • Shelter: Depending on your climate, you may need to protect your system from extreme temperatures, heavy rain, or harsh winds. Consider setting up a greenhouse or covering your system with a weather-resistant structure.

2. System Size and Scale 

The size and scale of your aquaponics system will depend on your available space, goals, and resources. Consider the following:

  • Scale: Determine whether you're starting with a small system for personal use or a larger, more commercial setup. Smaller systems are great for beginners, while larger systems can yield higher production but require more investment.
  • Components: Assess the size of your fish tank, grow beds, and plumbing components to ensure they are proportional to your chosen scale.
  • Resources: Evaluate your budget and available materials. DIY systems can be cost-effective, but balancing your ambitions with your resources is essential.
  • Expansion: Plan for scalability. You might start small and gradually expand your system as you gain experience and confidence in aquaponics.

3.  Choosing Fish and Plants

Choosing the best fish and plants for your aquaponics system is one of the most critical decision you will make. Here's what to consider:

  • Fish: Choose fish species that are well-suited to aquaponics. Common choices include tilapia, trout, catfish, koi, goldfish, and other ornamental fish. Consider factors like temperature tolerance, growth rate, and market demand if you harvest the fish.
  • Plants: Select plants that are compatible with your chosen fish and can thrive in a hydroponic environment. Leafy greens like lettuce, herbs such as basil and mint, and fruiting plants like tomatoes and peppers are popular choices.

4. Tools and Materials

Here's a list of the necessary tools and materials you need to get started with your own DIY aquaponics system.

  1. Containers: You'll need containers for the fish tank and grow beds. Options range from repurposed containers to purpose-built systems.
  2. Plumbing: Invest in pipes, fittings, and tubing to create a water circulation system and to ensure a smooth water flow between the fish tank and grow beds.
  3. Media: Choose a suitable grow media for your plants. Common options include expanded clay pellets, gravel, and lava rock.
  4. Pumps: Select water pumpsto circulate water between the fish tank and grow beds. Air pumps for aeration may also be required.
  5.  Water Testing Equipment: Purchase water testing kits to monitor water quality, including pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.
  6. Fish and Plants: Acquire fish and seedlings or seeds for your chosen crops. Make sure they are appropriate for your climate and system size.
  7. Additional Tools: Have essential tools on hand, such as drills, saws, screwdrivers, and wrenches, for assembly and maintenance.

Fish in Aquaponics System

How to Build an Aquaponics System

1. Designing the System

To start constructing your homemade aquaponics system, you need to understand the basic components that make it work. These include the fish tank, grow beds, water pump, and plumbing. Familiarize yourself with these essentials to build a functional system.

2. Constructing the Grow Bed

  • Choosing the Right Container: The grow bed is where your plants will thrive, so selecting the correct container is vital. Grow bed options range from repurposed containers like large barrels or wooden boxes to purpose-built grow beds. Ensure the container is watertight and adequately supports your chosen grow media and plants. Make sure it's appropriately sized to match the fish tank.
  • Filling Media Selection: The grow media in your grow bed is essential for plant support and root development. Your grow media should provide stability, allow easy root penetration, and maintain good water oxygenation.

3. Setting Up the Fish Tank

  • Tank Selection: The fish tank is the heart of your aquaponics system, so choosing the right one is crucial. Consider factors like size, material, and shape. While you can repurpose containers or use commercial tanks, ensure they are food-grade and watertight.
  • Water Quality: Maintaining optimal water quality in the fish tank is essential for fish health. Install a filtration system to remove solid waste and maintain appropriate ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates levels. Proper aeration is also vital to ensure oxygen levels are suitable for the fish.

4. Plumbing and Pumps

  • Water Circulation: Plumbing connects the fish tank and grow beds that facilitate the continuous water flow. Choose the right size and type of pipes and fittings to create a functional water circulation system. Ensure that water flows evenly through the grow beds to provide nutrients to the plants and return clean water to the fish tank.
  • Siphon System: Bell siphons are usually used in media-based aquaponics systems to control water levels in grow beds. Bell siphons help maintain the appropriate water levels for your plants while preventing overflows and water-logging.

5. Adding Grow Lights (if necessary) 

Sometimes, natural sunlight may not be sufficient for your plants, especially in indoor setups or locations with limited light. You can use grow lights to provide the spectrum and duration of light for plant growth. LED or fluorescent grow lights are popular choices for aquaponic systems.

6. Cycling the System

The nitrogen cycle is the backbone of any aquaponics system. It ensures the bacteria is colonized for the health of fish and plants. Here's how the nitrogen cycle works:

  1. Fish Waste: Fish release ammonia through their waste, which is rich in nitrogen. This ammonia is the primary source of nutrients for the plants in the grow beds.
  2. Nitrification: The beneficial bacteria, such as Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, convert ammonia into nitrites and then nitrates through a process known as nitrification.
  3. Plant Uptake: The plants in the grow beds absorb nitrates from the water, effectively purifying it. This nutrient-rich water is then returned to the fish tank, completing the cycle.

Understanding and monitoring the nitrogen cycle is crucial to ensure the system functions efficiently. A well-established nitrogen cycle maintains water quality and provides essential nutrients for plant growth.

How to Cycle Your System

You'll need to introduce nitrifying bacteria to your system to start the nitrogen cycle. This can be done by adding a bacterial supplement or allowing the bacteria to colonize naturally. Here's how to seed the bacteria:

  1. Bacteria Supplements: You can purchase nitrifying bacteria supplements from aquaponics stores or online retailers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for adding these supplements to your system.
  2. Fishless Cycling: If you're not hurrying to add fish to your system, you can perform a fishless cycling process. This involves adding a small amount of ammonia to the fish tank and allowing the bacteria to establish themselves before introducing fish. This method ensures that the system is fully functional and safe for fish.

Monitoring Water Parameters

Monitoring water parameters is essential to maintaining a healthy aquaponics system. Key parameters to monitor include:

  1. pH Levels: The pH of the water should be within the optimal range for both fish and plants. The pH range of 6.8 to 7.0 is suitable for most aquaponics systems.
  2. Ammonia and Nitrites: The ammonia and nitrite levels should be kept low, as these can be toxic to fish. 
  3. Nitrates: Regularly measure the levels of nitrates in the water, as this is the primary nutrient source for your plants.
  4. Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature for your fish and plants. Most aquaponics systems operate effectively at temperatures between 75-78°F (24-26°C).

Introducing Fish and Plants

1. Selecting the Right Fish 

The choice of fish in your aquaponics system is a crucial decision, as they play a central role in the nutrient cycle. Here are essential considerations for selecting the right fish:

  • Species Selection: Opt for fish species that thrive in aquaponics systems and are well-suited to your local climate. Common choices include tilapia, trout, catfish, and koi, but regional options may also be suitable.
  • Temperature Tolerance: Ensure the fish species you select can withstand the water temperature conditions of your system. Different fish have varying temperature preferences, so matching them to your environment is essential.
  • Growth Rate: Consider the growth rate of the fish, as this affects the frequency of harvesting and restocking. Some fish species grow faster than others, which may impact your system's efficiency.
  • Market Demand: If you plan to harvest and sell your fish, assess the demand for specific species in your local market to make informed choices.

2. Plant Selection

Choosing the right plants for your aquaponics system is equally important. Here's how to go about it:

  • Compatibility: Select plants that are compatible with the nutrient levels and conditions provided by your fish and system. Leafy greens such as lettuce, kale, and spinach are commonly grown in aquaponics because of their efficient nutrient uptake.
  • Crop Rotation: Practice crop rotation to reduce the risk of disease or nutrient deficiencies.
  • Crop Diversity: Plant a variety of plants to ensure a balanced ecosystem. 
  • Herbs and Fruiting Plants: You can also growherbs like basil, cilantro, and mint, or fruiting plants such as tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries.

3. Transplanting Seedlings 

Transplanting seedlings into your aquaponics system is a delicate process that requires attention to detail:

  1. Seedling Preparation: Start with healthy seedlings. Ensure they have strong roots and are free from pests and diseases.
  2. Media Bed Placement: Gently place the seedlings into the grow bed's chosen media. Take care not to damage the roots during transplantation.
  3. Monitoring: Keep a close eye on newly transplanted seedlings to ensure they adapt well to their new surroundings. 

4. Fish Acclimatization 

Before introducing fish into your aquaponics system, they need to be acclimated to the water conditions:

  • Temperature Matching: Ensure that the water temperature in the fish tank matches the temperature at which the fish was raised. Sudden temperature changes can stress or harm the fish.
  • pH Adjustment: Verify that the pH of the fish tank water matches the pH of the water the fish are accustomed to. Gradual pH adjustments may be necessary.
  • Quarantine: Consider quarantining new fish briefly before introducing them to your main system. This helps ensure they are healthy and disease-free.
  • Slow Introduction: Introduce fish to the system slowly and gently. Avoid sudden changes in water conditions to minimize stress.
Adding Plants in Aquaponics

Maintaining Your Aquaponics System

A.  Feeding and Monitoring Fish

  1. Regular Feeding: Fish are a crucial component of the aquaponics ecosystem, and their well-being directly impacts plant health. Feed the fish according to their dietary needs and growth stage. Monitor their feeding habits and adjust the quantity as necessary.
  2. Observing Fish Behavior: Pay attention to the behavior of your fish. Unusual behavior, such as excessive lethargy, rapid gill movement, or changes in swimming patterns, can indicate stress or health issues.
  3. Disease Prevention: Prevent fish diseases by maintaining clean water, proper nutrition, and minimizing stress. Quarantine new fish before introducing them to the main system to prevent the spread of diseases.

B. Checking Water Quality

  1. Regular Testing: Consistently monitor water quality parameters. Frequent testing helps you detect and address issues before they impact your system.
  2. Water Changes: Periodically, replace a portion of the water to dilute the accumulation of nitrates and maintain overall water quality. Aim for partial water changes rather than complete replacements to minimize disruption to the ecosystem.
  3. Adjusting pH: If the pH deviates from the optimal range, gradually adjust using pH up or down solutions. Maintain the pH within the suitable range to support fish and plant health.

C. Pruning and Harvesting

  1. Plant Maintenance: As plants grow, they may require regular pruning and maintenance to ensure proper aeration and light penetration. Prune dead or yellowing leaves and maintain a balanced canopy to prevent overcrowding.
  2. Harvesting: Harvest crops as they reach maturity. Use tools and techniques to avoid damaging the plant or its roots during harvesting. Consistent harvesting ensures a continuous yield.
  3. Crop Rotation: Rotate crops in your grow beds to maintain soil health and prevent nutrient imbalances. Different plants have varying nutrient requirements, so that a rotation strategy can benefit your system.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

1. Algae Growth 

Algae growth in aquaponics systems is a common challenge that can affect water quality and aesthetics. To manage algae issues:

  • Shading: Consider providing shade over the fish tank and grow beds to reduce excessive sunlight exposure, which promotes algae growth.
  • Algae-eating Organisms: Introduce algae-eating organisms like snails or small, herbivorous fish to help control algae growth.
  • Monitor Nutrient Levels: Algae thrive on excess nutrients. Check your system's nutrient levels and adjust as needed to maintain an appropriate balance.

2. Fish Health Problems 

Fish health problems can arise in aquaponics systems due to various factors. To address fish health issues:

  1. Monitor Water Quality: Regularly check water quality parameters, such as ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, temperature, and oxygen levels, to ensure they are within the suitable range for your fish species.
  2. Quarantine New Fish: Quarantine any new fish before introducing them to your main system to prevent the spread of diseases.
  3. Treatment Options: If you notice signs of illness in your fish, such as abnormal behavior or visible symptoms, research appropriate treatment options. Natural or organic remedies can be effective for common fish ailments.
  4. Seek Expert Advice: Consult with a local aquaculture or fish health expert if you encounter persistent or severe fish health issues that require professional assistance.


Carefully planning the design of your aquaponics system before starting will make the entire process easier. Deciding to DIY your aquaponics system might be challenging, but it will be worth it. Knowing what comes into your food and being able to harvest healthy fresh food for your family is worth all the efforts you spend in planning and building your system. 

Thank you for reading our article. Setting up and maintaining an aquaponics system might be difficult at first, but once you know the process, it will be more easy. All you need to do is feed your fish, plant your crops, and harvest fresh, healthy food for you and your family. Read "The Ultimate Aquaponics Beginner's Guide" to learn more about diy aquaponics for beginners.



1 Response

Mornaah Linus

Mornaah Linus

August 18, 2022

Good article. I really enjoyed it.i need to start one myself

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