
Go Green Aquaponics Blog

Enhance your aquaponics journey with our guide to magnesium deficiency management. From identifying deficiency signs to implementing sustainable correction strategies, we unravel the key to a flourishing aquaponics system. Dive into the world of aquaponics, where magnesium plays a crucial role in nurturing vibrant plants and happy fish.
Learn how to cultivate delicious peas in your aquaponics garden. Our comprehensive guide covers pea varieties, system setup, care, and troubleshooting for a thriving, sustainable harvest.
Discover effective methods for dechlorinating water in your aquaponics system. Learn about the importance of chlorine removal, alternative water sources, and best practices to ensure healthy fish and thriving plants.

Having the right and efficient water pump will ensure that the water is continuously pushed through-out your aquaponics system to provide the fish and the plants necessary nutrients. If your water pump is not reliable to do the job of distributing the water in the system, the consequences could be a failure in building and maintaining your own aquaponics system. That is why we made this article to help you choose the right water pump for your aquaponics system. 

There are many aquaponics fish tank designs and kits available in the market, and you can even design a do-it-yourself fish tank at home according to your resources.
Tilapia is one of the most popular fish species raised in aquaponics systems. They are known as one of the hardiest fish that can survive in a wide range of water conditions. Caring for tilapia is relatively easy because they are low maintenance. However, while they are easy to raise and ideal fish species for aquaponics, there are factors you need to know in raising tilapia to be successful. 
Learn how to cultivate, harvest, and utilize duckweed to enhance the efficiency of your aquaponics system. Dive into the symbiotic relationship between duckweed and aquaponics for sustainable, thriving ecosystems."
Unlock the secrets of sustainable and efficient farming in controlled environments with the ultimate guide to Aquaponics Greenhouse. Maximize your harvests today!
Discover how to grow cucumbers in aquaponics systems for sustainable and efficient cultivation. Learn about system setup, plant care, and troubleshooting. Harvest fresh cucumbers with tips on readiness and post-harvest care. Embrace aquaponics for optimal cucumber production.
This guide will provide an overview of yellow perch and what you need to know to raise them in your aquaponics system. From understanding the perch’s behavior to setting up and maintaining your system, we will cover all the essential information to help you grow yellow perch in an aquaponics system. 

This article is a guide to designing your commercial aquaponics system. We will cover everything you need to know about designing commercial aquaponics to help you succeed in your aquaponics business. 

This article will discuss the nine essential pieces of equipment that every aquaponics grower should have to monitor and maintain a successful system. So read on to learn the top eight products you need to maintain your aquaponics system properly. 

Discover vertical aquaponics systems, and their benefits, and learn how they work. Get tips on building your own system and growing your own fresh produce at home.

Go Green Aquaponics has a range of home aquaponics systems to start your home aquaponics garden in your backyard or commercial aquaponics business. So get started today with these ready-to-use aquaponics system kits. 

In this guide to water management in aquaponics, we will cover the components of the water system, how to maintain optimal water conditions, and the best practices for water testing, monitoring, and changes. 

 If you plan to install your own or purchase a complete aquaponics system, you probably know what aquaponics are and what benefits you will get. However, there are some very essential things that you need to consider first, for you to be successful. So we made these lists of the essential things that you need to consider in setting up your own aquaponics system.

This article will discuss the five key water quality parameters and the factors that are important to the health and performance of fish, plants, and bacteria in an aquaponics system.
A power outage can be a significant problem when it comes to your aquaponics system.
