
Go Green Aquaponics Blog

Cauliflowers grow well in an aquaponics system, but it is a bit more challenging to grow than other vegetables. Cauliflowers have a definite growing need and can only be grown in one type of aquaponics system.

Fish function as a nutrient provider for the plants. Therefore, selecting the right fish species to raise in your desktop aquaponics setup is essential because fish have specific living conditions.

Only natural or organic fertilizers should be added to aquaponics systems. Keep in mind that you have the fish to think of, and adding chemical fertilizers might affect the fish and other aquatic animals negatively.
Fish and plants, along with the bacteria, are the main components of an aquaponics system. The waste produced by fish is used as the source of nutrients for the plants to thrive. This article will discuss what fish and plants need to thrive in an aquaponics system for a successful and higher yield.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the essential parameters for growing fish and plants and is critical to the bacteria that convert fish waste into nutrients for the plants.
Algae growth is a common problem for aquaponics systems that can confuse new aquaponics growers. Algae growth is normal when raising fish, but it can get out of hand if preventive measures are not taken.
This article will give you ten tips to keep your aquaponics system running strong all year round
