How to Grow Swiss Chard in Aquaponics

In this blog, we’ll explore how to grow Swiss chard, a nutrient-packed leafy green in an aquaponics system. Swiss chard, renowned for its vibrant stems and lush leaves, is not only a visual delight but also a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals.

If you're keen on starting an aquaponics garden or looking to enhance your current setup, this blog will provide you with step-by-step instructions on growing Swiss chard. From understanding the basics of aquaponics to harvesting and troubleshooting, we’ve got you covered. 

Brief Introduction to Swiss Chard and Its Nutritional Benefits

Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) is a versatile and nutritious leafy green that belongs to the beet family. It comes in various colorful varieties, with stems ranging from white and yellow to vivid red and purple. Swiss chard is celebrated for its high nutrient content, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as magnesium, potassium, and iron. It also contains antioxidants like beta-carotene and flavonoids, which contribute to its health benefits. Whether sauted, steamed, or added to salads, Swiss chard is a delicious and healthy addition to any meal.

Popular Varieties of Swiss Chard:

    1. Fordhook Giant: This variety is known for its large, dark green leaves and white stems. It's highly productive and very resilient.
    2. Bright Lights: Renowned for its stunning array of stem colors, Bright Lights is as ornamental as it is edible. The stalks can be red, yellow, pink, or orange.
    3. Rainbow: Similar to Bright Lights, this variety features a mix of colorful stalks, providing a vibrant addition to both garden and plate.
    4. Lucullus: With light green leaves and white stems, Lucullus is prized for its tender texture and mild flavor.

    Growing Requirements of Swiss Chard

    To successfully grow Swiss chard in an aquaponics system, it’s important to understand its basic growing requirements:

    1. Light:

    • Sunlight: Swiss chard thrives in full sun but can also tolerate partial shade. Ideally, it should receive at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.
    • Artificial Light: If growing indoors or in low-light conditions, supplement with grow lights to ensure adequate light exposure.

    2. Temperature:

    • Optimal Range: Swiss chard prefers cooler temperatures, with an optimal range between 50°F and 75°F (10°C to 24°C).
    • Heat Tolerance: While it can tolerate higher temperatures, extended periods of heat may cause the plant to bolt (flower and set seed), which can affect the quality of the leaves.
    • Cold Tolerance: Swiss chard is frost-tolerant and can survive temperatures as low as 20°F (-6°C), making it a versatile crop for various climates.

    3. Water:

    • Consistency: Consistent moisture is key. In an aquaponics system, this is managed through the continuous circulation of nutrient-rich water.
    • Hydration: Ensure the roots are always well-hydrated but not waterlogged. Proper water flow and aeration in the system help maintain the right balance.
    • Monitoring: Regularly check water pH and nutrient levels. Swiss chard prefers slightly acidic to neutral pH levels (6.0-7.0).



    Top Swiss Chard Seeds From Amazon

    1. Burpee Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard

    This variety is known for its large, crumpled, dark green leaves and thick white stems. It's very hardy and can tolerate both heat and cold.
    Burpee 'Fordhook Giant' Swiss Chard Seeds

    2.Old Farmer's Almanac Heirloom Swiss Chard Seeds (Rainbow Mixture)

    Contains non-GMO, open-pollinated, and suitable for both indoor and outdoor gardening.

    Old Farmer's Almanac Heirloom Swiss Chard Seeds (Rainbow Mixture)

    3. Swiss Chard Seed Collection

    3 Packets of Fordhook, Rainbow & Ruby Red Rhubarb Swiss Chard Varieties.

    Swiss Chard Seed Collection

    Components of an Aquaponics System

    A typical aquaponics system consists of several key components, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the health and balance of the ecosystem.

    1. Fish Tank:

    The fish tank is where the fish are housed. The fish produce waste, primarily as ammonia, which is toxic to them but beneficial to plants when converted to nitrates by beneficial bacteria.

    2. Grow Bed:

    The grow bed is where the plants are cultivated. It holds the growing medium (if applicable) and provides space for plant roots to develop.

    3. Water Pump:

    The water pump circulates water between the fish tank and the grow bed. It ensures that nutrient-rich water reaches the plants and clean water returns to the fish tank.

    4. Filtration:

    Filtration is critical for removing solid waste and maintaining water quality. Mechanical filters capture solid particles, while biofilters host beneficial bacteria that convert ammonia into nitrites and then into nitrates.

      Types of Aquaponics Systems Suitable for Swiss Chard

      1. Media Bed

      • Description: In a media bed system, plants are grown in a container filled with a growing medium such as expanded clay pellets, gravel, or lava rock. The grow bed is periodically flooded with water from the fish tank and then drained, allowing the roots to receive both nutrients and oxygen.
      • Suitability for Swiss Chard: Media beds are highly suitable for growing Swiss chard because they provide excellent support for the plant roots and ensure consistent nutrient availability. The periodic flooding also helps prevent root rot and promotes healthy plant growth.

      2. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT):

      • Description: In an NFT system, plants are grown in channels where a thin film of nutrient-rich water continuously flows over the roots. The water is recirculated from the fish tank, providing a steady supply of nutrients.
      • Suitability for Swiss Chard: While NFT systems are typically used for smaller plants like lettuce, Swiss chard can also be grown in NFT systems if channels are wide enough to support the larger root structure. This method ensures constant nutrient delivery and is efficient in water use.

      3. Raft System:

      • Description: In a raft system, plants are suspended in floating rafts with their roots submerged in nutrient-rich water. The water is continuously aerated to provide oxygen to the roots.
      • Suitability for Swiss Chard: Raft systems are ideal for growing Swiss chard, as they provide ample space for root growth and ensure a constant supply of nutrients and oxygen. The floating rafts also make it easy to manage and harvest the plants.

        Setting Up Your Aquaponics System

        A. Choosing the Right Location and Size

        1. Location:

        • Sunlight: Ensure the location receives adequate sunlight for plant growth. Ideally, place your system in an area that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. If indoors or in low-light areas, consider using grow lights.
        • Access: Choose a location with easy access to water and electricity for pumps and aeration systems. The area should also be convenient for regular maintenance and monitoring.
        • Protection: Protect the system from extreme weather conditions. If outdoors, consider using a greenhouse or shade cloth to moderate temperature fluctuations and shield plants and fish from harsh elements.

        2. Size:

        • Space Availability: Assess the available space and choose a system size that fits comfortably. Small systems can be set up on patios or balconies, while larger systems require more space, such as a backyard or dedicated greenhouse.
        • Scalability: Consider starting with a smaller system and scaling up as you gain experience. Modular systems allow for easy expansion as your aquaponics knowledge and confidence grow.

        B. Selecting the Right Fish Species

        1. Fish Species:

        • Tilapia: A popular choice for aquaponics due to their hardiness, fast growth, and ability to thrive in a range of water conditions. Tilapia are also edible, providing a dual harvest of fish and vegetables.
        • Goldfish: Ideal for ornamental or small-scale systems. Goldfish are hardy, easy to care for, and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and water conditions.
        • Koi: Known for their beauty and longevity, koi are suitable for larger, decorative systems. They require more space and higher water quality maintenance.
        • Catfish: Another edible option, catfish are hardy and grow quickly. They prefer warmer water and can be raised in both small and large systems.

        2. Considerations:

        • Water Temperature: Choose fish that can thrive in the temperature range of your location. For instance, tilapia prefer warmer water (72-86°F or 22-30°C), while goldfish and koi can tolerate cooler temperatures.
        • Tank Size: Ensure the fish tank is large enough to support the chosen fish species. Overcrowding can lead to poor water quality and stress for the fish.


        Swiss Chard in Aquaponics

        Planting Swiss Chard in Aquaponics

        A. Starting from Seeds:

        • Seed Selection: Choose high-quality Swiss chard seeds from a reputable supplier. Look for varieties that are well-suited to your climate and growing conditions.
        • Germination: Swiss chard seeds can be started directly in the grow bed or in a separate seed-starting medium. For direct sowing, plant seeds about 1/2 inch deep in the grow medium. If starting in seed trays, fill the trays with a soilless mix, plant the seeds, and keep them moist.
        • Conditions: Provide a warm, well-lit environment for germination. Swiss chard seeds typically germinate within 7-14 days. Maintain a temperature between 60-75°F (15-24°C) to promote healthy growth.
        • Transplanting: Once the seedlings have developed a few true leaves and are large enough to handle, they can be transplanted into the grow bed. This usually takes about 4-6 weeks from seeding.

        B. Using Transplants:

        • Purchasing Transplants: If you prefer to start with transplants, purchase healthy Swiss chard seedlings from a garden center or nursery. Ensure the plants are free from pests and diseases.
        • Acclimatization: Before transplanting, acclimate the seedlings to the aquaponics environment by gradually exposing them to the conditions in your grow bed. This helps reduce transplant shock and promotes smoother adaptation.

        C. Spacing and Planting Depth:

        1. Spacing:

        • In Grow Beds: Space Swiss chard plants about 6-12 inches apart. This allows sufficient room for each plant to grow without overcrowding, which can lead to competition for nutrients and light.
        • In NFT Systems: Ensure that the channels are wide enough to support the root structure of mature Swiss chard plants. Space the plants similarly, about 6-12 inches apart, to allow for proper airflow and light penetration.

        2. Planting Depth:

        • Seeds: When planting seeds, place them about 1/2 inch deep in the growing medium. Cover lightly with the medium and water gently to ensure good soil contact.
        • Transplants: When transplanting seedlings, ensure that the root ball is completely covered with the growing medium and that the base of the plant is level with the surface. Avoid burying the stem too deeply, as this can cause rot.

        Tips for Transplanting Seedlings into the Grow Bed

        1. Prepare the Grow Bed:

          • Ensure the grow bed is filled with a clean, inert growing media such as expanded clay pellets, gravel, or perlite.
          • Check that the water flow and drainage are functioning properly. The grow bed should be able to flood and drain effectively.

          2. Transplanting Steps:

          • Hydrate Seedlings: Water the seedlings thoroughly before transplanting to reduce stress and ease the removal from their starting containers.
          • Handle with Care: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers, taking care not to damage the roots. If the seedlings were started in seed trays, gently separate them, retaining as much of the root ball as possible.
          • Planting: Create a small hole in the grow medium, place the seedling's root ball into the hole, and gently firm the medium around the base of the plant. Ensure the seedlings are planted at the same depth as they were in their original containers.

          3. Post-Transplant Care:

          • Watering: After transplanting, water the seedlings lightly to help settle the growing medium around the roots. In an aquaponics system, the water will continuously flow, but ensure initial hydration is adequate.
          • Lighting: Provide sufficient light for the transplanted seedlings. If using grow lights, position them about 6-12 inches above the plants and adjust as the plants grow to maintain optimal light exposure.
          • Monitoring: Keep an eye on the seedlings for the first few days after transplanting. Look for signs of transplant shock, such as wilting or yellowing leaves, and take steps to mitigate stress by ensuring proper environmental conditions and gentle handling.

            Maintenance and Care for Swiss Chard in Aquaponics

            1. Checking Water Quality:

            • Daily Monitoring: Check the water temperature daily to ensure it is within the optimal range for both fish and plants. Most aquaponics systems should maintain temperatures between 68-86°F (20-30°C), depending on the fish species.
            • Weekly Testing: Test water parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates at least once a week. Maintaining a pH of 6.0-7.0, ammonia and nitrites near zero, and nitrates between 20-40 ppm is ideal for most systems.
            • Water Level: Regularly check the water level in the fish tank and add dechlorinated water as needed to compensate for evaporation.

            2. Feeding Fish:

            • Frequency: Feed the fish1-2 times daily. Only provide as much food as the fish can consume in 5 minutes to prevent uneaten food from decomposing and affecting water quality.
            • Quality: Use high-quality fish feed appropriate for your fish species to ensure they receive balanced nutrition. Consider supplemental feed such as duckweed or insects for variety.

            3. Pruning Plants:

            • Regular Pruning: Prune Swiss chard and other plants regularly to promote healthy growth and prevent overcrowding. Remove yellowing, damaged, or diseased leaves to keep the plants healthy.
            • Harvesting: Harvest Swiss chard leaves regularly to encourage new growth. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to avoid damaging the plants.

            Pest and Disease Management in an Aquaponics System

            1. Pest Management:

            • Inspection: Regularly inspect plants for signs of pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and caterpillars. Check the undersides of leaves and stems where pests often hide.
            • Natural Predators: Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs and predatory mites to control pest populations naturally.
            • Manual Removal: Remove pests by hand or use a gentle stream of water to wash them off the plants.
            • Organic Sprays: Use organic pest control sprays like neem oil or insecticidal soap, ensuring they are safe for both fish and plants. Apply sparingly and carefully to avoid contaminating the water.

            2. Disease Management:

            • Hygiene: Maintain a clean system by removing dead plant material and cleaning filters and pumps regularly.
            • Plant Health: Ensure plants are healthy and stress-free, as healthy plants are more resistant to diseases.
            • Quarantine: Quarantine new plants and fish before introducing them to the main system to prevent the spread of diseases.

              Harvesting Swiss Chard

              Here are some indicators that your Swiss chard is ready to harvest:

                1. Leaf Size: For baby greens, harvest leaves when they are 3-4 inches long. For mature chard, wait until leaves reach 8-12 inches in length.
                2. Plant Maturity: Swiss chard typically reaches maturity about 50-60 days after planting. However, you can start harvesting outer leaves as early as 30 days for a continuous supply.
                3. Color and Texture: Mature leaves will be firm and vibrant in color. Avoid harvesting yellowed or wilted leaves, as these indicate either over-maturity or potential health issues.

                Techniques for Harvesting to Encourage Regrowth

                Swiss chard is a "cut-and-come-again" crop, meaning you can harvest leaves multiple times from the same plant. To ensure continuous growth and a prolonged harvest period, follow these techniques:

                  1. Outer Leaf Harvesting: Use sharp scissors or a knife to cut the outermost leaves about 1-2 inches above the base of the plant. This method allows the inner leaves to continue growing.
                  2. Selective Harvesting: Choose leaves that are fully grown but not overly mature. Leaving some leaves intact ensures the plant can continue photosynthesizing effectively.
                  3. Regular Harvesting: Regularly harvesting the outer leaves encourages the plant to produce new growth. Aim to harvest every 1-2 weeks, depending on growth rates.
                  4. Avoid Cutting the Crown: Do not cut into the central growing point (crown) of the plant. Damaging the crown can stunt growth or kill the plant.


                  Growing Swiss chard in aquaponics systems offers a sustainable and efficient way to produce fresh, nutritious greens while raising fish in a symbiotic environment. This vibrant leafy green is not only delicious but also an excellent teacher, guiding you through the wonders of this sustainable growing method. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to cultivating a thriving aquaponics system that provides you with fresh, homegrown produce.

                  Remember, aquaponics is a fascinating and dynamic ecosystem. Embrace the learning process, don't be afraid to experiment, and most importantly, enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing both fish and plants in a harmonious environment. With a little dedication, your aquaponics adventure will not only yield delicious Swiss Chard but also open doors to exploring a wider variety of vegetables and herbs in your system.

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